EU-Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik

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AIM public statement on the Juncker’s Speech State of the Union 2017

On 13 September 2017, the European Commission President Jean-Claude Ju...

18.09.2017- Download

AIM President underlines the role of mutuals in the fight against healthcare inequities.

AIM President, Mr. Christian Zahn (Vdek, Germany) opened today a joint...

27.06.2017- Read more

Time for a proper recognition of social economy enterprises in the EU

On 26 April, AIM published its position on social economy. The paper l...

21.04.2017- Read more

AIM adopts position on the Pillar of Social Rights

AIM calls for EU Pillar of Social Rights which contributes to sustaina...

08.12.2016- Read more

AIM and ESIP publish Open Letter on the Standardisation of Health and Social Services

The members of ESIP and AIM, social security organisations, mutuals an...

15.09.2016- Download

Standardisation of Health and Social Services

The members of ESIP and AIM, social security organisations, mutuals an...

14.09.2016- Download

AIM recommendations on ceta

While in certain areas, the European Union and its Member States would...

08.07.2016- Download

AIM publishes press release and recommendations on CETA

Health insurance funds and health mutuals welcome the announcement of...

08.07.2016- Read more

AIM and ESIP sent letter to Commissioner Malmström on TTIP

AIM and ESIP have this week sent a letter to EU Commissioner Malmströ...

01.07.2016- Download
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