
Solidaris closes its petitions for fair drug prices with more than 50.000 signatures

On Monday 19 February, our member Solidaris closed its petition for fa...

22.02.2024- Read more

Petra van Holst, CEO of Zorgverzekeraars Nederland (ZN) “Dutch insurers apply AIM’s fair pricing calculator by default when negotiating drug prices with companies”

High medicines prices are now a reality across the EU, leading to ineq...

20.02.2024- Read more

Guide to the search for suitable accommodation for general practitioners

About three out of four general practitioners (GPs) experience problem...

14.12.2023- Read more

AIM Special Briefing – November 2023

AIM has published its Special Briefing, which summarises the exchanges...

12.12.2023- Read more

Interview with Jean-Pascal Labille, Secretary General of Solidaris on fair drug prices: “Since 2015, drug spending has spiraled out of control”

Mr. Labille, can you tell us about changes in the affordability of med...

07.12.2023- Read more

EU countries sign the San Sebastian Manifesto to promote the social economy

Author: Héctor Acosta, Confederación Argentina de Mutualidades, Arge...

06.12.2023- Read more
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