
“A step in the right direction but a more ambitious final legislation is needed” – Mutuals react to the publication of the general pharmaceutical legislation proposal

The much-awaited proposal of the European Commission, aimed at reformi...

26.04.2023- Read more

AIM reacts to the adoption of the UN resolution on promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy for sustainable development

Following ILO’s Resolution concerning decent work and the social and...

21.04.2023- Read more

Joint statement on the European Health Data Space

AIM co-signed with other not-for-profit organisations, representing pa...

21.03.2023- Read more

AIM position on the EHDS

Health insurance funds and not-for-profit health mutuals support a bet...

13.03.2023- Read more

Register for the 2023 edition of the International Mutualist Women’s Day – Gender equality and UHC for more resilient and equitable health systems

Over the past decade, a great amount of research has focused on health...

30.01.2023- Read more

AIM participates in the kick-off of the ASCERTAIN Horizon Europe project

On 24 and 25 January, AIM participated in the kick-off meeting of the...

25.01.2023- Read more
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