Comunicados de Prensa

AIM kicks off European Election Campaign together with EU Commissioner Andriukaitis

EU Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis endorsed the AIM memorandum for t...

27.11.2018- Read more

Patient safety must prevail

Alarming messages in the international media yesterday and today confi...

26.11.2018- Read more

HTA vote in the EP: much more meat on the bones, but it still needs a bit more cooking

AIM supports the overall objective of the Commission proposal on Healt...

08.10.2018- Read more

La gobernanza de las mutuas bajo los retos de la legislación europea

El 28 de septiembre, la Asociación Internacional de la Mutualidad (AI...

02.10.2018- Download

AIM adopts Declaration on Health in all Policies

It is nowadays widely recognised that aspects of everyday life such as...

21.06.2018- Read more

We welcome action against vaccine-preventable diseases

AIM welcomes the European Commission proposal for stronger cooperation...

27.04.2018- Read more
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