Press releases

AIM re-elects Loek Caubo as President for the next 3 Years

The AIM General Assembly has voted its steering committee for the next...

23.06.2023- Read more

An agenda that sets the right basis for a stronger cooperation between the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean

On 7 June, the European Commission published its proposal for a “New...

15.06.2023- Read more

AIM reacts to the EC Proposal for a comprehensive approach on Mental Health

On 7 June, the European Commission published its proposal for a “com...

12.06.2023- Read more

AMR: an ambitious European Plan to tackle an urging global Challenge

AIM, the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies, welcom...

04.05.2023- Read more

“A step in the right direction but a more ambitious final legislation is needed” – Mutuals react to the publication of the general pharmaceutical legislation proposal

The much-awaited proposal of the European Commission, aimed at reformi...

26.04.2023- Read more

AIM reacts to the adoption of the UN resolution on promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy for sustainable development

Following ILO’s Resolution concerning decent work and the social and...

21.04.2023- Read more
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